Monday, October 8, 2012

Tonight I Write ....

      I write to you tonight faceless children of the dreaming in hopes of telling you a simple tale, More of a Hello than a epic tale really .One of the most important things a story teller can tell is his own story because knowing the story tellers tale adds the weight of that tale to every other story they ever tell .now I tell you mine, I tell it to you in hopes of finding common ground because I have been many things a sinner,  warrior and more often than not I have been a fool and this humble rant is spun more out thoughtless hubris than any real hope of enticing the imagination.
      I find that in this day and age the art of the  introduction has become outdated become unfashionable (which is strange for me as I think it is one of the most important things a person can do .) if you will. My Name is William Wright I have been on this earth for 29 glorious summers (I always think of myself as a child of summer my first memories are of summer and strangely the Ocean .)and during my many summers  I have lived in many places many of them are outside of the dreaming  places where the Fae do not dare to tread cities of cold iron and bright midnights (more that a few of the great cities of Asia , Europe  and North America .)  .
   In my youth I was a student and in many ways I still am (having  said that I am still in university .) when I grew to manhood I became a warrior and for many years I felt that is all I was . it took many years for me to see how foolish that was (people are never just one thing they are so many things you would lose count if you ever were foolish enough to try and count them.). Now i like to think of myself as many things but the first among those things is that of a storyteller ,and now i will tell you many things children of the dreaming things that i have seen first hand wonders of the world ,subjects as old as time its self . 

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