Sunday, October 14, 2012

Navel of Creation

  The Epic Words "Belly Button"

          Have you ever thought really thought about belly buttons? I mean reallllly thought about them? When I was a little kid about 4 or 5 I could think of little else. I would wonder why I had an Inny and not an Outie (About 90 percent of humans have innies.). When I was bored I would make up stories about how lint got in them (my best one was that it was the tooth fairy's lint trap and she was drying her wet laundry in our bellies.).I wondered some much about this simple part of me and now looking back I could not tell you why.  from time to time I would work myself into a panic because I thought my belly button would come untied and all of my insides would come spilling out of me ( I would find out years later that this could not happen so please don't panic.) 

     it is a little known fact that the navel is actually a  Scar and it is quite conspicuous in humans other animals belly buttons  tend to be smoother and flatter, often nothing more than a thin line, and are often obscured by fur (well some people have enough hair on their belly for this little fur fact to be true for them as well.) another fact about the umbilicus is that the Japanese  thinks that navel acts as a "symbol of center where life begins" and even have a annual belly button festivals (Heso Matsuri) and even a Belly Button Dance  called  Heso Odori . Even the earth has a Belly Button I mean people don't call it the Belly Button of the earth they call it "Navel of Creation" or the”Axis Mundi“. 

So with some many Belly Buttons out in our galaxies I am just surprised that people don’t talk about them more. 

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